It’s May 2020. Seniors should be celebrating and partaking in traditional graduation celebrations. They should be taking their last finals, planning senior pranks, taking part in senior skip day. They should be attending graduation parties and wearing their Cap and Gown at graduation waiting for that moment when they announce that they can shift their tassel and are now graduates of the Class of 2020. Instead, they are quarantined at home. They are isolated from their friends, struggling with distance learning, and missing all of those wonderful experiences that come with graduating from high school. Thanks COVID-19…

A parent of one of these seniors reached out to me and asked if I could take some photos of her son in his cap and gown. She explained that he looked much younger in his senior photos because they were taken quite some time ago. She also said that the cap and gown photos the school took just didn’t quite work for her.

As a teacher myself (I teach middle school as well as run my photography studio), I couldn’t say no! I quickly agreed and we decided on Summerfield Community Park as a location for Chase’s session.

She and Chase both knew they wanted photos of Chase in his Cap and Gown. I also suggested that he bring a few other options for variety. I knew from talking to his mom that he will be attending a Florida University next year. So I suggested he bring one of his college T-shirts and another outfit that he loved. He also brought his sunglasses as a prop. What a cool cat, don’t you think?

Chase and I spent about 45 minutes moving from place to place at the park snapping photos. He changed clothes a few times and we ended up with almost 200 photos for he and his mom to choose from!

Even though seniors may have missed out on a few traditions this year, they don’t have to miss out on having photos of themselves in their cap and gown… even with COVID-19 still lingering around. As a photographer, I am able to schedule a session at an outdoor location, remain 6 feet from your graduate, with a mask on, and take amazing photos like the ones you see here.
Ready to schedule your graduate’s Cap and Gown session, or interested in just chatting about it (or any other type of photography service), click below. I can’t wait to hear from you!
[…] Marie Photography also offers photography services for Weddings, Families, Seniors, Headshots, and […]